
跳转至: 导航搜索
第37行: 第37行:
| <nowiki>__NEWSECTIONLINK__</nowiki>
| <nowiki>__NEWSECTIONLINK__</nowiki>
| 增加一个选项卡 (在页面的编辑选项卡边上增加一个新的选项卡 ([[MediaWiki:Addsection|默认显示"+"]])  ( 参见 {{mediawiki|m:Help:Section#Adding a section at the end|增加一个选项卡 }}).
| 增加一个评论选项卡 (在页面的编辑选项卡边上增加一个新的评论选项卡 ([[MediaWiki:Addsection|默认显示"+"]])  ( 参见 {{mediawiki|m:Help:Section#Adding a section at the end|增加一个选项卡 }}).
| 1.7+
| 1.7+
第57行: 第57行:
| <nowiki>__NOCONTENTCONVERT__</nowiki><br /><nowiki>__NOCC__</nowiki>
| <nowiki>__NOCONTENTCONVERT__</nowiki><br /><nowiki>__NOCC__</nowiki>
| 不显示语言转换的选项卡
| 在点击各种语言选项卡时,不转换内容
| <nowiki>__NOTITLECONVERT__</nowiki><br /><nowiki>__NOTC__</nowiki>
| <nowiki>__NOTITLECONVERT__</nowiki><br /><nowiki>__NOTC__</nowiki>
| 标题不执行语言转换(所有其他的内容转换) 。|
| 在点击各种语言选项卡时,页面标题不转换(所有其他的内容转换)
|{{Hl3}} colspan="3"| '''页面格式'''
|{{Hl3}} colspan="3"| '''页面格式'''
第76行: 第77行:
|  <nowiki>__INDEX__</nowiki>
|  <nowiki>__INDEX__</nowiki>
| 让搜索引擎索引此页(忽略 {{mediawiki|Manual:$wgArticleRobotPolicies|$wgArticleRobotPolicies}}中的设置,但无法影响 robots.txt 中的设置为主).
| 让搜索引擎索引此页(忽略 {{mediawiki|Manual:$wgArticleRobotPolicies|$wgArticleRobotPolicies}}中的设置,但无法影响 robots.txt 中的设置).
| 1.13+
| 1.13+
第575行: 第576行:
| ''(depends on parser tag)''
| ''(depends on parser tag)''
| Alias for XML-style parser or extension tags, but parsing wiki code. Attribute values can be passed as parameter values ('<code><nowiki><tagname attribute="value"></nowiki></code>' &rarr; '<code><nowiki>{{#tag:tagname|attribute=value}}</nowiki></code>'), and inner content as an unnamed parameter ('<code><nowiki><tagname>content</tagname></nowiki></code>' &rarr; '<code><nowiki>{{#tag:tagname|content}}</nowiki></code>').
| Alias for XML-style parser or extension tags, but parsing wiki code. Attribute values can be passed as parameter values ('<code><nowiki><tagname attribute="value"></nowiki></code>' &rarr; '<code><nowiki>{{#tag:tagname|attribute=value}}</nowiki></code>'), and inner content as an unnamed parameter ('<code><nowiki><tagname>content</tagname></nowiki></code>' &rarr; '<code><nowiki>{{#tag:tagname|content}}</nowiki></code>').
| [[rev:29482|1.12+]]
| {{mediawiki|rev:29482|1.12+}}


重要声明:当你修改本页的同时,意即同意将你贡献的内容释放到公共领域(public domain)。如果你不同意或是因为著作权的限制而不能进行编辑,则请不要动手修改本页的内容。本页属于公共领域帮助文件(Public Domain Help Pages)之一,它们可以被自由地复制到新安装的维基并/或搭配 MediaWiki 软件分发;要查看所有公共领域帮助页面的目录,请参见 Help:Contents/zh,分发拷贝请查看Help:Copying/zh

魔法词是一串特殊的文字,用在 MediaWiki中,通常会显示一个数值或执行一类功能,比如显示时间,网站的详细资料,或页面名称。这里罗列了魔法词的标准用法,参见Manual:Magic words


  • 继承的魔法词会影响当前页的返回值,无论魔法词是在代码或插入的模板中。



魔法词 介绍 版本
__NOTOC__ 隐藏标题列表(TOC).
__FORCETOC__ 强制显示标题列表 (通常在第一个标题上面).
__TOC__ 指定标题列表显示在魔法词的位置 (忽略 __NOTOC__ 设置). 如果一页中有多处此魔法词,那么只显示在第一个词的位置。
__NOEDITSECTION__ 隐藏编辑选项卡。
__NEWSECTIONLINK__ 增加一个评论选项卡 (在页面的编辑选项卡边上增加一个新的评论选项卡 (默认显示"+") ( 参见 增加一个选项卡 ). 1.7+
__NOGALLERY__ 在分类名字空间里使用用,用文字链接的方式,替换分类中的缩略图显示方式。 1.7+
__HIDDENCAT__ 在分类名字空间里使用用, 隐藏该分类的父类和子类列表(但在参数设置中仍然有一个选项可以显示他们) 1.13+
{{DEFAULTSORT:xyz}} 用在要被加入分类的页面中,影响在分类中的排序,默认分类排序方法. 1.10+
在点击各种语言选项卡时,页面标题不转换(所有其他的内容转换) 。
{{DISPLAYTITLE:xyz}} 格式化当前页面的标题排序。他的值必须等于默认标题: 仅更改大小写和把空格变为下划线。他可以用$wgAllowDisplayTitle进行开关; 1.10+之前默认是关闭的,之后的版本默认打开。 1.7+
__NOINDEX__ 让搜索引擎不要索引此页(不要在搜索引擎的结果页中列出)。 1.13+
__INDEX__ 让搜索引擎索引此页(忽略 $wgArticleRobotPolicies中的设置,但无法影响 robots.txt 中的设置). 1.13+
#REDIRECT [[Page name]] 访问本页时自动重定向到另外指定的页面。

Variables and parser functions

Variables return information about the current page, wiki, or date. Their syntax is similar to templates, but capitalized to help avoid conflicts. If a template has the same name and case as a variable, the variable will be used. Usage of the template can be forced by adding the "msg:" modifier (for example, "{{msg:CURRENTYEAR}}"). In some cases, adding parameters will force the parser to treat a variable as a template; for example, {{CURRENTDAYNAME|x}} tries to transclude "Template:CURRENTDAYNAME".

Parser functions are very similar to variables, but operate on user input instead of the current page. The first parameter is delimited by a colon (:) instead of a pipe (|). (This page does not document custom parser functions added by the ParserFunctions extension.)

Date & time

The following variables return the current date and time according to the user's timezone preferences, defaulting to the UTC timezone.

Due to MediaWiki and browser caching, these variables frequently show when the page was cached rather than the current time.

Variable Output Description Versions
{{CURRENTYEAR}} 2024 Year
{{CURRENTMONTH}} 06 Month (zero-padded number)
{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} 6月 Month (name)
{{CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN}} 六月 Month (genitive form)
{{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} 6月 Month (abbreviation) 1.5+
{{CURRENTDAY}} 24 Day of the month (unpadded number)
{{CURRENTDAY2}} 24 Day of the month (zero-padded number) 1.6+
{{CURRENTDOW}} 1 Day of the week (unpadded number)
{{CURRENTDAYNAME}} 星期一 Day of the week (name)
{{CURRENTTIME}} 13:30:51 Time (24-hour HH:mm format)
{{CURRENTHOUR}} 13 Hour (24-hour zero-padded number)
{{CURRENTWEEK}} 26 Week (number)
{{CURRENTTIMESTAMP}} 20240624133051 ISO 8601 time stamp 1.7+

The following variables do the same as the above, but using the site's local timezone instead of user preferences and UTC:

  • {{LOCALDAY}}
  • {{LOCALDAY2}}
  • {{LOCALDOW}}

Technical metadata

Revision variables return data about the latest edit to the current page, even if viewing an older version of the page.

Variable Output Description Versions
{{SITENAME}} Blueidea The wiki's site name ($wgSitename).
{{CURRENTVERSION}} 1.24.1 The wiki's MediaWiki version. 1.7+
{{CONTENTLANGUAGE}} zh-cn The wiki's default interface language ($wgLanguageCode) 1.7+
Latest revision to current page
{{REVISIONID}} 4905 Unique ID 1.5+
{{REVISIONDAY}} 18 Day edit was made (unpadded number) 1.8+
{{REVISIONDAY2}} 18 Day edit was made (zero-padded number) 1.8+
{{REVISIONMONTH}} 10 Month edit was made (unpadded number) 1.8+
{{REVISIONYEAR}} 2008 Year edit was made 1.8+
{{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}} 20081018073235 Timestamp as of time of edit 1.8+


Numbers returned by these variables contain number separators, but can return raw numbers with the ":R" flag (for example, {{NUMBEROFPAGES}} = 2,694 and {{NUMBEROFPAGES:R}} = 2694). Use "|R" for magic words that require a parameter like PAGESINCATEGORY (for example {{PAGESINCATEGORY:Help}} and {{PAGESINCATEGORY:Help|R}}).

Variable Output Description Versions
Entire wiki
{{NUMBEROFPAGES}} 2,694 Number of wiki pages. 1.7+
{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} 594 Number of pages in main namespace.
{{NUMBEROFFILES}} 301 Number of uploaded files. 1.5+
{{NUMBEROFEDITS}} 11,207 Number of page edits. 1.10+
{{NUMBEROFUSERS}} 2,365 Number of registered users. 1.7+
{{NUMBEROFADMINS}} 18 Number of users in the sysop 1.7+
{{NUMBERINGROUP:groupname}} {{NUMBERINGROUP:bureaucrat}} ({{NUMBERINGROUP:bureaucrat}} used here) Number of users in a specific group. 1.14+
Per namespace
not enabled Number of pages in the given namespace (replace 2 with the relevant namespace ID). E.g. {{PAGESINNAMESPACE:14}} equals the number of categories. Disabled by default, enable with $wgAllowSlowParserFunctions. 1.7+
Number of pages in the given category (replace "Help" with the relevant category name). 1.13+
{{PAGESIZE:Help:Magic_words}} 0 Returns the byte size of the specified page. 1.13+

URL data


Variable Output Description Versions
{{SERVER}} http://wiki.blueidea.com domain URL ($wgServer)
{{SERVERNAME}} wiki.blueidea.com domain name ($wgServerName)
{{SCRIPTPATH}} relative script path ($wgScriptPath)
{{localurl:page name}}
{{localurl:page name|query string}}
/index.php?title=page_name&query string
relative path to title
{{fullurl:page name}}
{{fullurl:page name|query_string}}
absolute path to title 1.5+
{{filepath:Wiki.png}} The absolute URL to a media file. 1.12+
{{urlencode:x y z}} x+y+z The input encoded for use in URLs. 1.7+
{{anchorencode:x y z}} x_y_z The input encoded for use in URL section anchors (after the '#' symbol in a URL). 1.8+

Page names

Variable Output Description Versions
{{FULLPAGENAME}} 帮助:Variables/zh Namespace and page title. 1.6+
{{PAGENAME}} Variables/zh Page title.
{{BASEPAGENAME}} Variables Page title excluding the current subpage and namespace ("Title" on "Title/foo"). 1.7+
{{SUBPAGENAME}} zh The subpage title ("foo" on "Title/foo"). 1.6+
{{SUBJECTPAGENAME}} 帮助:Variables/zh The namespace and title of the associated content page. 1.7+
{{TALKPAGENAME}} 帮助讨论:Variables/zh The namespace and title of the associated talk page. 1.7+

The following are URL-encoded equivalents:



Variable Output Description Versions
{{NAMESPACE}} 帮助 Namespace (name)
Name of the associated content namespace 1.7+
{{TALKSPACE}} 帮助讨论 Name of the associated talk namespace 1.7+

The following are URL-encoded equivalents:


{{ns:}} returns the localized namespace name for that number constant. The default values are:

Usage Output
{{ns:-2}} or {{ns:Media}} 媒体文件
{{ns:-1}} or {{ns:Special}} 特殊
{{ns:1}} or {{ns:Talk}} 讨论
{{ns:2}} or {{ns:User}} 用户
{{ns:3}} or {{ns:User_talk}} 用户讨论
{{ns:4}} or {{ns:Project}} Blueidea
{{ns:5}} or {{ns:Project_talk}} Blueidea讨论
{{ns:6}} or {{ns:Image}} 文件
{{ns:7}} or {{ns:Image_talk}} 文件讨论
{{ns:8}} or {{ns:MediaWiki}} MediaWiki
{{ns:9}} or {{ns:MediaWiki_talk}} MediaWiki讨论
{{ns:10}} or {{ns:Template}} 模板
{{ns:11}} or {{ns:Template_talk}} 模板讨论
{{ns:12}} or {{ns:Help}} 帮助
{{ns:13}} or {{ns:Help_talk}} 帮助讨论
{{ns:14}} or {{ns:Category}} 分类
{{ns:15}} or {{ns:Category_talk}} 分类讨论


Usage Output Description Version
{{lc:XYZ}} xyz The lowercase input. 1.5+
{{lcfirst:XYZ}} xYZ The input with the first character lowercase. 1.5+
{{uc:xyz}} XYZ The uppercase input. 1.5+
{{ucfirst:xyz}} Xyz The input with the first character uppercase. 1.5+
{{formatnum:-987654321.654321}} -987,654,321.654321 The input with decimal and decimal group separators, and localized digit script, according to the wiki's default locale. 1.7+
The input (first parameter) padded on the left side to the specified width (second parameter) using the specified character (third parameter). If a padding character isn't specified, '0' is used by default.
bug: multibyte characters are interpreted as two characters, which can skew width. These also cannot be used as padding characters.
Identical to padleft, but adds padding characters to the right side.

Outputs a unicode-directional mark that matches the wiki's default language's direction (&lrm; on left-to-right wikis, &rlm; on right-to-left wikis), useful in text with multi-directional text. 1.7+
{{plural:2|is|are}} are Outputs the correct given pluralization form (parameters except first) depending on the count (first parameter). Plural transformations are used for languages like Russian based on "count mod 10".


Usage Output Description Version
{{#language:eo}} Esperanto The native name for the given language code. 1.7+
{{#special:userlogin}} 特殊:用户登录 The localized name for the given canonical Special: page. 1.9+
{{#tag:tagname|inner content|parameter=value|parameter2=value}}
(depends on parser tag) Alias for XML-style parser or extension tags, but parsing wiki code. Attribute values can be passed as parameter values ('<tagname attribute="value">' → '{{#tag:tagname|attribute=value}}'), and inner content as an unnamed parameter ('<tagname>content</tagname>' → '{{#tag:tagname|content}}'). 1.12+